What Matt Damon, Pierce Brosnan and Hugh Jackman have in common and why you find them here
Thin, thinner, the thinnest – slimness craze, ahoy! In terms of slimming, Hollywood women almost outdo each other. The much-desired goal at the end of the struggle against some extra pounds: size zero. But why torture yourself for the assumed dream size? To please Mr. Right? Believe it or not, some men are not into super slim, and Hollywood stars like Pierce Brosnan (64), Hugh Jackman (48) and Matt Damon are the ultimate proof of this phenomenon.
As James Bond, Pierce Brosnan had the license to kill. Nowadays, the 64-year old reveals his softer side and enjoys his life to the full with his wife Keely Shaye-Brosnan (3). And the smart Irishman couldn’t care less about the fact that she’s not meeting the latest beauty ideals. His beloved wife has curves, and he likes it. No matter if they’re swimming in the sea or walking the red carpet at an event – gentleman Pierce Brosnan is infatuated with his beautiful wife.
The same counts for his colleague Hugh Jackman, who is also into women with that little extra. For more than 21 years the Australian is married to Deborra-Lee Furness (61). Although his wife is significantly older, and on top, blessed with some curves. But the criticism of his love cuts no ice with Hugh. He loves every wrinkle and every single pound of Deborra-Lee.
The third great guy is Oscar winning Matt Damon. He’s found his happiness with his wife Luciana Bozán (41). The two have four children and love each other dearly. The Argentinian is blessed with a dreamlike body: curves in all the right places, her figure brings you to your knees. It’s not surprising that Matt Damon melted at the sight of so much femininity.
Therefore, ladies, enjoy eating your chocolate bar. Because: feminine curves are much appreciated – not only by Hollywood gents.
Translation: Danielle De Bie