How the smart 31-year-old discovered plus size modelling, if it’s possible to make a living of it and why he’s struggling against extra pounds sometimes? Steven Martin gives the answers in our interview.
When you see Steven Martin (31) from Bensheim for the first time, only one thought will be crossing your mind: wow, he’s so attractive! 1.86 meters tall, wide shoulders… a true eye-catcher. Dark hair, brown eyes and an irresistible smile are the icing on the cake.
Steven works as a plus size model since two and a half year now – and is pretty much successful. On Instagram the masculine Mr. Perfect has more than 10.000 followers. Hardly surprising: his pictures speak for themselves.
But sorry, girls, this tasty titbit is no longer on the market. “Since 2005 I’m happily married to my wife,” admits Steven in the interview with „The Curvy Magazine“.
Translation: Danielle De Bie
The Curvy Magazine: How did you start as a plus size model?
Steven Martin: I’ve been modelling since I was 15/16. I was thin back then. I’m 1.86 m tall and was weighing between 75 and 80 kilos – depending on how much I’ve been working out. At some point, I realized through social media that the male plus size segment was on the rise and found the agency Curve Management through Google. I’m not sure whether I called them up or sent them an email. They’ve been asking about a photo of myself and by return, they’d sent the contract – this all happened at the beginning of 2015.
The Curvy Magazine: Did you ever suffer of the change from a slender guy to an XXL man?
Steven Martin: That’s what it is: as an adolescent I was quite corpulent in the beginning but then I ended as thin as a toothpick. I discovered power training for myself, did martial arts and within two years went from 75 kg up to 93 kg. I had to stop modelling and did bodybuilding as a semi- professional. Thus, I’ve been through all extremes. Thin as a rake, extremely well trained and athletic and now a bit bigger. The good thing is that with each weight I felt quite at ease. Then again, I must admit that I’m someone who is never happy. I’m always looking for a change and want to evolve constantly.
The Curvy Magazine: Would you tell us a bit about the booking situation in the male plus size segment?
Steven Martin: I’m a managing director in a medium-sized company with 110 employees. Therefore, I must refuse many jobs and this is my personal struggle. But to my opinion, the booking situation for curvy men is developing well. Of course, not as it does for women. I think, the demand for women in this market started four to five years earlier.
The Curvy Magazine: Why do you think do fashion companies more and more focus on bigger sizes?
Steven Martin: I’ve always had problems to find the right clothes. Catalogues were showing 1.80 m tall guys wearing a size M. That was not for me. Women were facing a similar situation. Therefore, I think it’s great that more and more fashion for curvy people is being shown by curvy models too.
The Curvy Magazine: You are very well trained and look attractive. How do you keep fit?
Steven Martin: I’m working out four to five times a week: power and endurance, cardio, tennis – and I walk the dog. For a curvy model, it’s also important to maintain the size. Before, my weight was constantly 116/117 kilos. After a thyroid disorder, I stopped smoking and therefore, gained 25 kilos. I’ve lost 6 kg already but also as a curvy model I want to fit my old pants again.