New All & Everything!
New horizons, new perspectives – Jupiter spreads great vibes and makes your dreams of freedom, fun and big love come true.
Love & Flirts:
Singles: This year, you’ll be searching the limelight to show the best of you. Hats off! You will no longer disappear once a flirt gets serious. You’ll be mixing your cheerful side with sincerity. Instead of dreaming of a perfect relationship you’ll be facing the reality that is not always nice and you’ll be dealing with the men who have rough edges. In March, one guy will demand your full attention. You’ll be blown away – but anxiety will bother you and lets you step back until summer. Unlike before, you’ll reappear to give this guy a second chance. It might become serious!
Couples: Nothing comes between you and your sweetheart! You’re whispering sweet nothings like on the first day convinced that: he will stay forever! In spring, you’ll be busy making future plans to rethink them in summer. Hang tough! Don’t panic at the last minute because in November, the desire for closeness will return and you’ll be enjoying the hours together with your love.
Friends & Fun:
Party time! And you’ll be dancing in the first row. The sun helps you this year to come out of your shell – it’s the key to fun and you’ll be meeting many new, exciting people who will be inspiring you emotionally.
Money & Finance:
In 2018, you’ll be in a strong position. Crises are rather for the others. Be helpful and kind – your karma will reward you and make you even stronger.
Shopping, shopping, shopping is your motto! Your wardrobe deserves an upgrade this year – show a bit more courage and wear some color. It lets you shine even brighter!
Translation by Danielle De Bie