Really Sexy!
You alternate between quiet and action. Sometimes you’re into the romantic love that, driven by your cosmic powers, suddenly turns into wild passion.
Love & Flirts:
Singles: Suddenly, you seem to be in the right place at the right time by default – as a consequence, you’re offered opportunities you’ve been dreaming of to date. A weekend in Paris with the Friday-evening-encounter? It could happen, indeed! Your big grin, as well as your enigmatic appearance, are attractive – you’re evidently surfing on a lucky wave bringing new people into your orbit – good matches by way of exception. While being undecided in the beginning, the butterflies in your stomach constrain you at the end of summer to commit yourself. Thrilling!
Couples: Big trouble in the morning, reconciliation at night – constant friction provokes emotional ups and downs. And that’s what makes a relationship exciting and intense for you – that’s why you would never forsake the little princess inside of you. Unless at the end of the year, your prince charming pulls a sparkling something out of his hat.
Friends & Fun:
As a Scorpio you’re into deep conversations, quiet is your second name. Usually! In 2018, you’ll be seen wherever it’s happening: you take fancy to pubs, skiing getaways and mutate from the cosy stay-at-home to a society tycoon. Right on, it does you good!
Money & Finance:
You should look forward to February: Mercury brings unexpected profits! You can invest them in your long-cherished dreams – or put them aside. Mind March and April: highest risk for bad buys. Limit your budget to prevent from being tempted!
Shoe love is true love! In line with this motto, your shoe cabinet sees a serious upgrade this year – and it deserves it, big time! The highlight: the perfect pair of over-knees that you’ll be finding in fall!
Translation by Danielle De Bie